
Mediaset Distibution is heading to MIPTV with Back to school, which second season returns on Italia 1, and many deals closed in Europe and US

Mediaset Distibution is heading to MIPTV with Back to school, which second season returns on Italia 1, and many deals closed in Europe and US
After the successful season in Italy with an audience share of 7.73% above the channel’s average and 1.4mln viewers, the second seasonof Back to school is returning to Mediaset; the second season has been aired on Italia 1 last Wednesday April 5 in prime time with a new host: Federica Panicucci.
The show was also aired in Germany with the local adaptation titled Zurück in die Schule with excellent results, and soon going to the second season as well. The prime-time SAT.1-entertainment show produced by Cheerio Entertainment will be presented one again by Jörg Pilawa.
Furthermore, Mediaset also sold the option rights to Spain, France, USA, and Belgium. The hit format conceived internally by Mediaset is produced by Blu Yazmine for RTI.
In each episode four celebrities face a real elementary school exam. They are tested on one subject they have prepared during a summer camp, as well as a "surprise" subject. During the summer camp, real students become ruthless teachers for the celebrities. Who will pass the final exam?

Claudia Marra who handles the format rights for Mediaset Distribution said:” I am heading to Cannes with this format, and I am very confident about selling it to new clients as the show has two successful key elements: kids and celebrity in a positive and family mood”.

Mediaset Distribution is also handling the world’s right of legal drama series Justice for all, starring Raul Bova and his wife Rocio Munez. The series Justice for all (6x90’) was aired by Canale 5 in 2022 (the first episode achieved 3.7mln viewers with an audience share of 20.7% leading the slot of prime time). The drama is about a man unjustly accused of murdering his wife who, after 10 years in prison, graduates in law to prove his innocence and regain the love of his daughter.

Claudia Marra will attend MIPTV (Cannes, 17-19 April 2023) at the Italian Pavilion R7.C1
Contact: Claudia Marra – email