
Turkish format “Show Must Go On” wins MipFormats Pitch in Cannes

Turkish format “Show Must Go On” wins MipFormats Pitch in Cannes
This edition of MipFormats Pitch, an event organised by MipTV in partnership with FOX Alternative Entertainment (FAE, FOX Entertainment’s in-house unscripted studio), declared Turkish format Show Must Go On this year’s winner on Monday, April 17th.

Produced by Turkish company formatworkshop, Show Must Go On has been awarded $5000 for the project’s development, along with the opportunity to pitch the concept to global buyers as part of FOX’s $100mln International Unscripted Format Fund.

The pitch was chosen from the five finalists who all presented original unscripted entertainment formats on stage in the Palais des Festivals. Apart from Show Must Go On, the other contestants who participated in the selection were Eyes On The Prize by The Connected Set (UK), Gold by Format Espresso (Italy), The Love Pitch by Select TV Formats Ltd (UK), and Weekend Without Parents by LLC Heroes Creative Studio (Ukraine).

The event was moderated by Maria Chiara Duranti (Chief Editor, Formatbiz), live from the stage of the Palais des Festivals in Cannes. Nathalie Wogue (Consultant, International Format Strategist, FAE) and John Hesling (EVP Head of Fox Alternative Entertainment) represented FOX Alternative Entertainment on stage, while Yasmin Rawji (Executive Vice President, Unscripted – Network, of FOX Entertainment) and Allison Wallach (President, Unscripted Programming of FOX Entertainment) participated on video call.