TV Audience

Thu, Nov 14: Rai 1 and Rai 2 Conquer the Prime Time Slot with Almost 10mln viewers

Thu, Nov 14: Rai 1 and Rai 2 Conquer the Prime Time Slot with Almost 10mln viewers
Rai 1, Nations League Belgio-Italia (football) : 6.806.000  viewers (30,9%);
Canale 5, Endless Love (Turkish soap): 2.600.000  viewers (13,6%);
Rai 2, Sinner – Medvedev (tennis) : 2.170.000 viewers(9,6%)
Italia 1, Le Iene (talk show/magazine): 938.000  viewers (7,8%);
Rai 3, Splendida Cornice (talk show): 937.000 viewers (5,4%);
Rete 4, Dritto e Rovescio (talk show): 926.000 (6,4%);
La7, Piazzapulita (talk show): 802.000 (5,6%);
Sky Uno, X Factor: 552.000 (3,3%);
Tv8, Prima o poi mi sposo (movie) : 435.000 (2,3%);
Nove, Il contadino cerca moglie (dating show Farmer want a wife): 399.000  (2,1%).

Public television captivates the entire audience base: with the football match nations League Belgium-Italy and Sinner's match  reaches nearly 10 million viewers.