
Giuseppe Saccà Steps Down as CEO of Eagle Original Content

Giuseppe Saccà Steps Down as CEO of Eagle Original Content
Giuseppe Saccà has resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer of Eagle Original Content. His decision, made for professional reasons, was reached in full agreement with the Board of Directors, outlining a structured transition plan.

"Today marks the end of my tenure as CEO of Eagle Original Content after four years of dedicated work and significant achievements for the company," stated Giuseppe Saccà. "I step down with gratitude for the journey we have taken together and with confidence in the company’s future. I would like to thank Tarak Ben Ammar, Chairman of the Eagle Pictures Group, the newly appointed CEO of the company, Andrea Goretti, as well as the team, partners, talent, and everyone who has contributed to the growth of this project over the years."

Eagle Original Content also extends its appreciation to Giuseppe Saccà for his invaluable role in founding the company and for his contributions to its growth and development. Under his leadership, the company has produced seven feature films, including two directorial debuts (one of which won the Ciak d’Oro for Best Debut), a second feature, three TV series, one animated series, and seven light entertainment shows.

The Board of Directors of the Eagle Pictures Group has already initiated the transition process to ensure business continuity, appointing Andrea Goretti—currently CEO of Eagle Pictures—as the new CEO of Eagle Original Content, a subsidiary of the group.
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