Starring globally acclaimed talents Demet Ozdemir and Engin Akyurek; “Farah” has been sold to countries including; Azerbaijan, Albania, Lithuania, Romania, Albania and the MENA countries in 2023 and the deals for many countries in different regions including LATAM; will be finalized in the early days of 2024.
Farah is a binding story, supporting women empowerment and has already turned into a global phenomenon on the social platforms and will have its first global premiere of the new year; on January 3rd at Tring TV Albania.
Produced by O3 Medya Farah is the story of an Iranian refugee woman, who found herself in the middle of the mafia-police war and an unpredictable love with her hunter Tahir. With Farah’s son Kerimsah, all three together, have created a family, against all odds around them.
But the love between Farah & Tahir is tested even harder at the second season when Behnam, the father of Kerimsah who was known as dead, arrives Istanbul to get his so-called “family” back.
Firat Tanis, Senan Kara, Lale Basar, Feyyaz Duman, Hatice Aslan, Mustafa Avkiran, Ali Surmeli, Oktay Cubuk and Sera Kutlubey are the names accompanying to Engin Akyurek and Demet Ozdemir in “Farah”.